
The world needs to get over Kanye West and start writing more than 140 characters

I can't believe Larry King brought Dr. Phil on to discuss Kanye West's actions at the VMAs. What's more ridiculous than what he did to Taylor Swift is how much attention he's getting for it. Kanye West is a douche, but can you really say you were surprised? I wasn't. Now do we really have to watch Dr. Phil break down Kanye's actions and analyze what kind of person he is? NO, NO WE DON'T!

Personally, I think Kanye should get back with Alexis Pfifer cuz Amber Rose don't stop her man from acting a fool.

(P.S. I know that by writing this, I am giving him more attention. But who reads this blog anyway.)

And no offense to Twitter but...actually DIRECT offense to Twitter, but apologizing to ppl in 140 characters or less is lame.

(P.P.S. yes, I have a twitter account. Hypocrisy, I tells ya. bwahahaha)


P Dizzle said...

You know what was even more awkward? When Lil Mama went up on stage during Jay-z and Alicia Keys performance and posed with them uninvited. I felt way more awkward watching that, than watchin the Kayne part.

my said...

^ agreeeeed